Yahtzee diceFreethedice.com
These charts are updated daily between 8am and 9am.

Top 100 Scores For All Time

This chart only includes scores that registered in the top 20 for their given months. There therefore exists the very, very small possibility that one or two scores are not included here that might have been otherwise

Yahtzee Painted and Triple All-Time High Scores         Yahtzee All-Time High Scores

        Painted Triple Yahtzee and Farkle High Scores         Sixzee and Liar Dice All-Time High Scores


# Players Score Month
1.Perdy 833 Apr 2024
2.PeterS45 782 Mar 2025
3.elmejor 781 Nov 2024
4.smith2009 772 Apr 2024
5.Tacomuncher 772 Nov 2024
6.PeterS45 754 Jun 2024
7.muttn 753 Sep 2024
8.Tacomuncher 744 Nov 2024
9.stella1pen 738 Apr 2024
10.Alster 736 Jan 2025
11.Jackblackpot 732 Dec 2024
12.BOT 728 Apr 2024
13.sally16 721 Jul 2024
14.jezebelle 717 Jul 2024
15.PeterS45 715 May 2024
16.elmejor 715 Jun 2024
17.PeterS45 712 Jul 2024
18.birdie51 707 Sep 2024
19.YOBBO 704 Jun 2024
20.ceannastahr 702 Apr 2024
21.ozdonna 700 Jul 2024
22.Tacomuncher 699 May 2024
23.Jackblackpot 698 Nov 2024
24.BOT 696 Dec 2024
25.PeterS45 695 Mar 2025
26.Tacomuncher 694 Apr 2024
27.Paul 692 Jun 2024
28.Amy 692 Jun 2024
29.Dragonflygirl 688 Sep 2024
30.ozdonna 686 May 2024
31.PeterS45 686 May 2024
32.bbbungy 685 Aug 2024
33.edward0924 685 Oct 2024
34.Lovebird11 683 Mar 2025
35.PeterS45 682 Feb 2025
36.finnshoe 682 Apr 2024
37.harley 682 Apr 2024
38.Jackblackpot 679 Aug 2024
39.countrygirl56 677 May 2024
40.Jackblackpot 676 Sep 2024
41.Alster 673 Mar 2024
42.ricky 672 Aug 2024
43.finnshoe 672 Mar 2025
44.Dragonflygirl 671 Jul 2024
45.magda 670 Mar 2025
46.Jackblackpot 669 Feb 2025
47.PeterS45 669 May 2024
48.Dragonflygirl 669 Mar 2025
49.Alster 668 Apr 2024
50.coal53 668 Aug 2024
51.Hawaiiplaytime 667 Jun 2024
52.Alster 666 Sep 2024
53.Alster 666 Apr 2024
54.harley 666 Apr 2024
55.kazzampt 666 Jul 2024
56.Dragonflygirl 666 Jul 2024
57.PeterS45 664 Jul 2024
58.PARTYGRANDMOM 663 Jan 2025
59.magda 663 Dec 2024
60.sallyhart 662 Oct 2024
61.Tacomuncher 660 May 2024
62.BOT 658 Mar 2024
63.YOBBO 658 Jul 2024
64.dicecat 657 Jan 2025
65.elmejor 656 Apr 2024
66.Jackblackpot 655 Apr 2024
67.Jackblackpot 655 May 2024
68.grandandma 655 Jul 2024
69.dicecat 654 Aug 2024
70.dicecat 654 Feb 2025
71.snoopy1529 653 Jan 2025
72.pmj222 651 Aug 2024
73.plim 651 Jan 2025
74.jezebelle 650 Aug 2024
75.vanillaswirl 650 May 2024
76.finnshoe 650 Jun 2024
77.Alster 650 Sep 2024
78.Paintmyhouse 650 Dec 2024
79.lavon1215 648 May 2024
80.Jackblackpot 648 Oct 2024
81.Jackblackpot 647 Nov 2024
82.countrygirl56 646 Apr 2024
83.bbbungy 645 Aug 2024
84.Tacomuncher 644 Feb 2025
85.Sapphire1 643 Dec 2024
86.magda 643 Apr 2024
87.kingofkings 643 Aug 2024
88.Dragonflygirl 643 Sep 2024
89.Dragonflygirl 643 Mar 2025
90.Lovebird11 642 Mar 2025
91.bbbungy 642 Apr 2024
92.BloomenHeck 640 Apr 2024
93.plim 639 Oct 2024
94.Jackblackpot 639 Mar 2025
95.dicecat 638 Jul 2024
96.vanillaswirl 638 Aug 2024
97.dicecat 637 Jan 2025
98.BOT 637 Feb 2025
99.6000volti 636 Feb 2025
100.Alster 636 Aug 2024

Liar Dice

# Players Score Month
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