CAN | be funny, witty, instigate chat, tell jokes, make discreet innuendos |
CAN | chat about almost anything |
DO NOT | use offensive or abusive language or strong profanities |
DO NOT | insult others, put others down, make clear sexual/dirty jokes |
DO NOT | discuss intimate, sexual details that are not appropriate for children to hear |
DO NOT | make racist, sexist, discriminative comments |
DO NOT | threaten anybody |
HOWEVER | if you want to share dirty jokes with your friends or share adult-talk, then start a new game and mark it as an "adult only game" |
DO NOT | use retaliation as an excuse to be offensive or abusive to other players - Report others to admin if they are bothering you |
CAN | make jokes among friends, tease your friends |
DO NOT | attempt to antagonise, insult, defame, put-down other players in any way |
IF IN DOUBT | ask yourself, "could this upset that person?" If yes, don't say it |
CAN | chat in any language you like, provided it is not offensive in given language |
CAN | dominate if nobody else is chatting, feel free to get things moving |
DO NOT | flood the chat areas if it means that others cannot participate |
DO NOT | purposefully circumvent the language filter to display offensive or abusive language |
DO NOT | consistently write in ALL CAPITALS (it is considered to be shouting) |
HOWEVER | it is ok to SHOUT occasionally if appropriate to the situation |
CAN | lightly discuss politics, religion, life views |
CAN | discuss your own personal life experiences, misfortunes, hobbies, sadnesses, happinesses, bad luck, successes, good luck, achievements, etc |
CAN | disagree with or contradict other peoples views or stories |
DO NOT | discredit, mock, ridicule, insult others for their beliefs or views |
DO NOT | aggressively promote any religious or political organisations |
DO NOT | ask for personal donations of financial or other means |
HOWEVER | if a discussion begins to get heavy then take responsibility and either stop debating/discussing OR if everybody involved agrees, you may create a game to continue your debate there or continue via PM |
EXAMPLE | It is OK to say "MrX, I thought you were going to your Dad's birthday party today, but you're playing Yahtzee, I am surprised to see you!" but NOT OK to say "MrX, you are a liar!!" |
EXAMPLE | It is OK to say "MrsZ, you resigned from our game, is everything ok?" but NOT OK to say "Never play with MrsZ she always resigns!!" (if that's the case, report it to admin) |
EXAMPLE | It is OK to say "MrT, I don't agree with you that cats are wonderful, I don't like cats, their wee wee kills my flowers!" but NOT OK to say "MrT, you are a cretin for liking cats!!" (Kal likes all animals, except ones that bite him) |
CAN | discuss your games, the results, the players and how they played |
DO NOT | attempt to discredit, mock, ridicule other players |
DO NOT | accuse others of cheating (discuss it with admin!) or negatively affecting your game |
DO NOT | pressure/hound other players if you were kicked from a game |
HOWEVER | if you feel others are playing discourteously or negatively affecting your game somehow, please report it to admin |
CAN | of course make friends and get to know others away from the site IF both people want to |
DO NOT | push other people to give out their personal details, respect their privacy |
DO NOT | share any sensitive, personal, contact details of other people |
CAN | discuss (positively/negatively) other websites/businesses as part of a conversation |
DO NOT | actively promote/advertise/insult other websites/businesses |
HOWEVER | if you would like to engage in promotion of other websites/charities/organisations, please contact Admin and we will arrange an advertising package for you |
CAN | send private messages to other players without discrimination
DO NOT | continue to send private messages to players who have expressed that they do not wish to be contacted |
CAN | create your own games with your own game names and choose who to accept into your games |
DO NOT | accept or decline a player based on their affiliations outside of |
DO NOT | create offensive, antagonistic or abusive game names |
HOWEVER | it is strongly recommended if you have somebody in mind for your games, either create a private game or state this in the game name (i.e. this game is for Admin Kal only) |
CAN | create a game with your own variation of the rules or using alternative rules |
IN WHICH CASE | you should explain the rules fully and get agreement of each player in the game creation screen BEFORE accepting players into your game |
DO NOT | publicly chastise for not following the rules, please report it to admin OR politely discuss it through private messaging with the player directly |
CAN | create your own player-run tournaments for everybody to join (this includes creating Royal Yahtzee Games)
DO NOT | discriminate against individuals by preventing them from joining the tournament (or Royal Yahtzee game) |
HOWEVER | if you wish to set up a friends-only tournament then set each game up as a private game and invite players individually, so that others players are not discriminated against, except with Royal Yahtzee Games which must always be publicly accessible |
CAN | kick anybody from a game if the kick timer has been set, whether you are the host of the game or not |
DO NOT | react angrily or aggressively if you are kicked from a game |
HOWEVER | it is possible to create games with up to 5 minutes per turn in a game or even with no kick timer at all |
BEAR IN MIND | kick timers are there not as a punishment but to allow a game to continue smoothly, everybody will be kicked from a game once in every while, it's part-and-parcel of playing online games |
CAN | seek out new players and welcome them to the community, set up games against them and help them in...we were all first-timers to the site at one point or another :) |
CAN | discuss/criticise and make suggestions for improvements |
HOWEVER | if you have a dispute with us please contact us so that we can discuss it with you directly. |
Leave games early if you are not able to complete them because of some practical reason or lost connection or some personal interruption |
leave a game just because you are losing or having bad luck |
publicly shame or harass other players who leave games under any circumstances |
players who consistently and repeatedly leave tournament games early, because they are losing, may be suspended from entering tournaments for a short time* |