Yahtzee diceFreethedice.com
These charts are updated daily between 8am and 9am.

Top 100 Scores For All Time

This chart only includes scores that registered in the top 20 for their given months. There therefore exists the very, very small possibility that one or two scores are not included here that might have been otherwise

Yahtzee Painted and Triple All-Time High Scores         Yahtzee All-Time High Scores

        Painted Triple Yahtzee and Farkle High Scores         Sixzee and Liar Dice All-Time High Scores

Triple Painted Yahtzee

# Players Score Month
1.ANGELARS58 3944 Mar 2024
2.mythbuster 3808 Apr 2024
3.jezebelle 3673 Apr 2024
4.Rylee1212 3634 Apr 2024
5.Alster 3569 Apr 2024
6.Rylee1212 3541 May 2024
7.ozdonna 3479 Apr 2024
8.Green2020 3474 Apr 2024
9.Rylee1212 3469 Mar 2024
10.Lovebird11 3455 Mar 2024
11.BOT 3447 Mar 2024
12.Rylee1212 3425 Apr 2024
13.Rylee1212 3397 Mar 2024
14.ozdonna 3366 Apr 2024
15.Rylee1212 3356 Mar 2024
16.Rylee1212 3350 Mar 2024
17.Rylee1212 3339 Mar 2024
18.Green2020 3330 Apr 2024
19.BOT 3330 Mar 2024
20.mpn999 3307 Apr 2024
21.BOT 3300 Mar 2024
22.Green2020 3299 May 2024
23.BOT 3288 Mar 2024
24.ANGELARS58 3261 Apr 2024
25.vanillaswirl 3224 Apr 2024
26.Rylee1212 3222 May 2024
27.Rylee1212 3196 Mar 2024
28.Alster 3190 Mar 2024
29.Rylee1212 3186 Apr 2024
30.mpn999 3185 Mar 2024
31.Rylee1212 3170 Mar 2024
32.Green2020 3163 May 2024
33.Alster 3153 Mar 2024
34.Rylee1212 3150 Mar 2024
35.Alster 3126 Mar 2024
36.Rylee1212 3122 May 2024
37.Rylee1212 3120 Mar 2024
38.MrsKiki 3119 Mar 2024
39.Rylee1212 3110 Apr 2024
40.Lovebird11 3104 Apr 2024
41.Rylee1212 3091 Apr 2024
42.Green2020 3089 Apr 2024
43.Rylee1212 3079 Apr 2024
44.ANGELARS58 3070 Apr 2024
45.mpn999 3064 Apr 2024
46.Rylee1212 2943 May 2024
47.BOT 2921 May 2024
48.mythbuster 2912 May 2024
49.RichandTiffB 2885 May 2024
50.BOT 2830 May 2024
51.YahtzeePlayer8 2776 May 2024
52.mythbuster 2738 May 2024
53.Green2020 2716 May 2024
54.Rylee1212 2714 May 2024
55.Lovebird11 2713 May 2024
56.Green2020 2697 May 2024
57.ANGELARS58 2694 May 2024
58.Rylee1212 2691 May 2024
59.Green2020 2679 May 2024
60.Rylee1212 2672 May 2024


# Players Score Month
1.lavon1215 7550 Mar 2024
2.lavon1215 7350 Apr 2024
3.sallyhart 7100 Mar 2024
4.countrygirl56 6900 Mar 2024
5.harley 6700 Mar 2024
6.yolande 6650 May 2024
7.Alster 6350 Mar 2024
8.vanillaswirl 6250 Apr 2024
9.lavon1215 6200 Apr 2024
10.harley 6150 Mar 2024
11.lavon1215 6150 Mar 2024
12.Tacomuncher 6150 Mar 2024
13.justco 6150 Mar 2024
14.sallyhart 6100 Apr 2024
15.reddevil 6050 Apr 2024
16.justco 6050 Mar 2024
17.ADMIN FarkleBot 6000 May 2024
18.ADMIN FarkleBot 6000 Apr 2024
19.1debbee 6000 Apr 2024
20.harry9 6000 Mar 2024
21.ozdonna 6000 Mar 2024
22.Tacomuncher 6000 Mar 2024
23.countrygirl56 6000 Mar 2024
24.ADMIN FarkleBot 6000 Mar 2024
25.nodogs 6000 Mar 2024
26.ADMIN FarkleBot 6000 Mar 2024
27.ADMIN FarkleBot 6000 Apr 2024
28.Nelly222 5600 Apr 2024
29.keyahuk 5600 Mar 2024
30.cciii 5600 Apr 2024
31.BOT 5550 Mar 2024
32.itssue 5550 Apr 2024
33.ADMIN FarkleBot 5500 Mar 2024
34.harley 5300 Apr 2024
35.sallyhart 5250 Apr 2024
36.lavon1215 5200 Apr 2024
37.Dragonflygirl 5100 Apr 2024
38.countrygirl56 5100 Apr 2024
39.arxontas 5000 Apr 2024
40.FireJag7 4950 Apr 2024
41.snorvell69 4950 Apr 2024
42.lavon1215 4950 Apr 2024
43.lavon1215 4700 May 2024
44.BOT 4650 May 2024
45.countrygirl56 4550 May 2024
46.tekyla 4500 May 2024
47.itssue 4500 May 2024
48.dicecat 4500 May 2024
49.Madison. 4050 May 2024
50.MrsKiki 3950 May 2024
51.yolande 3800 May 2024
52.ADMIN FarkleBot 3750 May 2024
53.lavon1215 3700 May 2024
54.nodogs 3700 May 2024
55.yolande 3700 May 2024
56.ADMIN FarkleBot 3700 May 2024
57.MrsKiki 3650 May 2024
58.1debbee 3650 May 2024
59.yolande 3650 May 2024
60.snorvell69 3600 May 2024
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